IPNC 2024 – インターナショナル ピノ・ノアール セレブレーション
オレゴンのピノ・ノアールの素晴らしさにすっかり魅せられて早10数年、ずっと憧れていた歴史的なイベントIPNC (International Pinot Noir Celebration)に参加してきました。1987年に始まり、オレゴンのピノ・ノアールをはじめ、ワイン生産では大先輩に当たるフランスの老舗ブランドも自慢のワインを持って参加する大イベントです。中でも珍しいワインを飲むことができるとあって、沢山のお客さんで週末3日間に及ぶ文字通り「大騒ぎのお祭り」です。沢山の逸話を残し、毎年参加者から大反響のあるイベント。初めての参加に心が躍りました。開催会場に泊まり込みで挑んだ私の役割は、お客様のテーブルをいくつも担当しワインを注ぐのが仕事です。Maitre d’、テーブルサービス・キャプテンの皆さんは全員ワインプロフェッショナル、現役でミシェラン5つ星のレストランなどで活躍する著名なサービスプロフェッショナルです。沢山のプロに囲まれ、どこを見渡しても日本人は私一人。他にアジア人はいるかしら?キョロキョロする私に中国出身のJiさんが声をかけてくださいました。もう過去に何度もIPNCに参加し経験豊かなベテランサーバーです。
下記のスナップショットはイベント参加中に取ったものです。今年のイベントには私が勤めているBjornson Vineyardも出展していたので我がボス、パティ&マークを見つけ、彼らの笑顔に緊張がほぐれ、ホッとしました。オレゴンピノの父と言われるAdelsheim Vineyardのデイビッドとの再会。素晴らしいワインメイカーのジェシカ。彼女は日本人のお母様とアメリカ人のお父様を持つEt Fille Winesのオーナー兼ワインメイカーです。また、憧れのカレンが私のテーブルにおられるのを見た時には飛び上がってしましました。かの有名な『Wine Bible』というワインの勉強をしている人であれば誰もが手に取ったことのある有名書籍の著者の彼女。前回ウィラメットバレーでお会いした事を覚えていて下さいました。ぜひ、この出会いを大切に、また2025年のイベントに参加できることを願っています。
IPNC2024 – International Pinot Noir Celebration
Having been dreaming of this event for little over a decade! I finally attended the long-anticipated historical event, IPNC (International Pinot Noir Celebration) this year! Started in 1987, this major event features not only Oregon Pinot Noir but also esteemed French brands known for their winemaking expertise. With the opportunity to taste rare wines, it truly becomes a bustling “celebration” over the course of three lively days filled with guests. This annual event has became an iconic Oregon wine event in the world. I was so thrilled to be a part of this famous event for the first time.
I had a few tables to serve. I poured exceptional wines and chat with the guests. This was truly an educational and fun experience. I was surrounded by the wine professionals. The Maitre d’, table service captains led my area and all other staff were wine professionals, many of them are well-known service experts currently working in Michelin-starred restaurants. I was the only Japanese there. I met one other Asian server, Ji, from Shanghai, China. He had been working for the event so many times in the past. He was very helpful in great deal how to navigate the tasks and wines! Thank you, Ji!
Pinot Noir Lovers from Around the Wolrd
The guests at my assigned table were quite international. People came from Shanghai, Singapore, Australia, and NYC just for this event, and we enjoyed lively conversations about wine.
Encounters with Many Wine Professionals
The snapshots below were taken during the event. This year, the winery I work, Bjornson Vineyard, also had a booth, and I was relieved to spot my bosses, Patty and Mark, whose smiles eased my nervousness. I had a reunion with David from Adelsheim Vineyard, known as the father of Oregon Pinot. I also finally met the wonderful winemaker Jessica in person! She is the owner and winemaker of Et Fille Wines. She has a Japanese mother and an American father. I was overjoyed to see Karen McNeil at my table. She is the author of the well-known “Wine Bible,” a book that anyone studying wine has likely come across. She remembered our last meeting in the Willamette Valley. I had a blast!!!!! Thank you so much for that, IPNC! I am looking forward to participating in the 2025 event.